Mobile Wet Out
- HammerHead
- Main Line CIPP
Only HammerHead® Trenchless makes it possible for contractors and self-performing organizations to prepare and impregnate resins into CIPP liners right at the jobsite. Time-tested with computerized quality assurance controls front and center, the exclusive Mobile Wet Out system is custom-built to address each customer’s unique market conditions for efficient and highly successful installations. Designed with all of the required equipment securely built on-board, the mobile resin impregnation station includes automated pumps, ratio and mixing systems, a vacuum impregnation system, an integrated calibration roller, and temperature control systems to ensure optimum conditions for successful applications. HammerHead Trenchless Mobile Wet Out system is QA/QC compliant to ASTM F2994, and is the efficient alternative to other solutions that require transport of liners from centrally-located impregnation plants.